Imagine a time when you have taken that first sip, soaked up your surroundings and thought… now THIS is the perfect pint of beer and life can’t get much sweeter than this. Whether you are aiming to serve the perfect pint of beer or whether you want to drink the perfect pint of beer, we have the tips you need!
The perfect pint…
- Beer that is served at the “just right” temperature. Not too hot and not too cold, the optimum temperature for storing and serving most beer is between 34-38ºF.
- Consuming a perfectly paired snack or meal that complements that flavors in your beer can greatly contribute to your satisfaction.
- Drinking beer from properly selected glassware will allow you to pick up on the full experience and full flavors of a beer. Of course, more important than the shape of the glassware is the cleanliness!
- Friendly, knowledgeable beer staff also contribute to the perfect pint. Train your staff on the techniques for a perfect pour and encourage them to really know the ins and outs of your beer menu.
- Beer served with a proper head will trap all the flavors and keep the aroma from escaping. An ideal head should be 1″ to 1-1/2″. It should form quickly, not get out of control, and then linger for a decent amount of time.
- Taking the time to fully enjoy all aspects of your pint will leave you more fulfilled. Did you know 80% of your taste perception comes from your sense of smell? Quality beer is not meant to be guzzled.
- Unclean beer lines can quickly destroy the flavor of your beer. The perfect pint will be served from beer lines that are void of beerstone, bacteria, and mold.
- A few more items that can make that pint more perfect are the right state of mind, the right company, and an enjoyable view.
What do you think? Did we nail the perfect pint? Let us know what we left off the list.
Draft Beer Services offers biweekly, monthly, or quarterly preventative maintenance plans to fit your needs and budget. Knowing that your system and beer lines are in pristine condition can give you peace of mind that you are serving perfect pints. Give us a call today!
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